Weapon: 300 Winchester Magnum
Distance: 125 yards
Ammo: Winchester 165gr
Outfitter/Guide: Big Buck Outfitters
Score/Size: 12″
We woke the next morning and met with our guide Randy who drove us into ranch east of Sheridan. Heavily socked in with pea soup fog we could not seet anything past 50 yards. We took things slow until the fog lifted and we started to be able to see speedgoats. The firt group we saw was about 700 yards out and had a couple of bucks that we watched over. Randy felt we could find a better one so we moved on.
Shortly after, we spotted a nice buck in a large group. My dad and Randy went to make a stock and were blown out. We followed the dirt road up over another ridge and it was my chance. Somehow I blew a 130-yard shot on a broadsided proghorn. Still not sure how I did that, but he was at deep angle. We figured we blew this ranch out for the day so Randy said he had another spot we could go.
Not long after arriving, we came up over a rise and found a group of antelope with a nice buck. My dad popped out of the truck and connected with his buck on a short 50-yard shot. We took pics and gutted the antelope and then started searching for one for me.
My dad and his buck.
Antelope hunting in Wyoming can be super quick action. It wasn’t long before we spotted some nice bucks across the valley. Randy knew we could get in close on them so we cut the distance with the truck and then walked over the hill. There he was, around 125 yards away turned broadside. I quickly dropped to my belly and plopped right into a steaming hot cow pie. Man that stunk! I lined up my crosshairs and squeezed, dropping him instantly.
We had completed our hunt in Wyoming on the first day with two representative of the area antelope. Big Buck Outfitters put together a nice hunt for us on high quality properties. The best part of the hunt was the amazing meat these guys had. I’ve had quite a bit of big game meat and antelope continues to be my favorite. Currently I’m building preference points in Wyoming and hope to target these awesome animals again on a DIY hunt in the near future!
Read about my whitetail deer hunt with Big Buck Outfitters!
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