
Jobs Sister

Place Name: El Dorado County

Place Description: State: California
Date: 08/25/2018
Elevation: 10,823 Feet
Prominence: 343 Feet
Miles: 10.7
Elevation Gain: 2,904+ Feet
Lists: Tahoe-Ogul

  • Difficulty
  • Solitude
  • Kid Friendly
  • Summit Views

The Middle Child Of The Three Peak Loop

When standing on Freel Peak, Jobs Sister looks like a giant sand dune. The hike over descends the backside of Freel and across terrain that looks like you would be on Mars. Once you leave Freel, you also leave the crowds. Nice solitude found here. The mileage is from car to car as a loop hike without tagging Jobs Peak. After getting to Jobs Sister, the best option is to just complete the loop. Elevation gain is for the entire hike, but does include the gain after descending Jobs Sister and on the way back up the ridge towards the turn-off to Jobs Peak.



  • Unearthly looking trail
  • Fun sand skiing down backside
  • Great view of the Carson Valley


  • Trail is tough to follow after the summit
  • Very sandy
  • Open, exposed country

After bagging Freel, we decided to go over to Jobs Sister. It took about 45 minutes to reach the summit, Ogul #4 for me. The scenery is so weird, it’s like being on the moon. The haze and smoke had multiplied by the time we reached the summit. Still had a nice view of Star Lake below and the Carson Valley. The summit register is in a small jar down below from the summit inside the circular windbreak. I still had hoped of getting to Jobs Peak and we knew we needed to complete the loop as opposed to going back the way we came, so we followed Ryan Jerz’s 2015 track. If we were running too far behind, we could always descend from the turn-off to Jos Peak. The descent down the south side of Job’s Sister is gnarly! So sandy, I just started to sand ski down. You lose a ton of elevation! We followed the lower ridge along the track, but it had gotten to be too late in the day so we followed Ryan’s descent track back to the car. At this point, I figured since the smoke was so bad and the fact my wife couldn’t come, I’d be doing this traverse again. It just wasn’t worth it to get stuck in the dark in an unknown area. The trails were pretty beat up with foot prints most of the way down and then you hit a dirt road system that leads you back. I’d recommend coming up in 2 cars, parking one at the start for Freel and one as far as you can go up the towards Jobs Peak. This would save you 2+ miles at the end of the hike. Mileage is from Freel Summit to car. Elevation gain is from low point on ridge between Freel and Jobs Sister.